what is the Science of a on grid solar

       what is the Science of a on grid solar ?

First of all what is solar and what is solar energy

Solar energy a great source of energy  and a perfect alternative for Coal and other source of energy. So what are the advantages of solar energy and how we can utilize the solar energy and related all questions are answered here
India is endowed with vast solar energy potential. About 5,000 trillion kWh per year energy is incident over India's land area with most parts receiving 4-7 kWh per sq. m per day. Solar photovoltaics power can effectively be harnessed providing huge scalability in India.

what is the Science of a solar grid

what is meant by Electrical Grid

An electrical gridelectric grid or power grid, is an interconnected network for delivering electricity from producers to consumers. It consists of: generating stations that produce electric powerelectrical substations for stepping electrical voltage up for transmission, or down for distribution

Let us consider how does Solar panel works

We all know that solar photovoltaic (PV) panels transform sunlight into useable electricity, but few people know the actual science behind the process. 

what is the Science of a solar grid

Firstly consider about the structure of Solar PV cells

Solar PV panels are made of many small photovoltaic cells – photovoltaic meaning they can convert sunlight into electricity. These cells are made of semi-conductive materials, most often silicon, a material that can conduct electricity while maintaining the electrical imbalance needed to create an electric field. 

When sunlight hits the semiconductor in the solar PV cell  the energy from the light, in the form of photons, is absorbed, knocking loose a number of electrons, which then drift freely in the cell. The solar cell is specifically designed with positively and negatively charged semiconductors sandwiched together to create an electric field. This electric field forces the drifting electrons to flow in a certain direction- towards the conductive metal plates that line the cell. This flow is known as an energy current, and the strength of the current determines how much electricity each cell can produce. Once the loose electrons hit metal plates, the current is then directed into wires, allowing the electrons to flow like they would in any other source of electric generation.

As the solar panel generates electricity in the form of Direct Current (DC) but wait most of the electrical consumers uses Alternating Current (AC) in the home or house as it is more efficient to use it. So that is why inverters are used to convert DC into AC. And this is how the electricity is generated using Solar Panels and circulates it to appliance

 The Science of a on grid solar

 what is meant by on grid solar?

On-grid solar power system is a solar power generation system where it is connected to the utility grid. The electricity produced by the system is routed to the grid from where it is used to run the various appliances. The installation of the same is also fuss-free and easy to maintain.

How does on-grid solar power system works? 

The arrangement of solar modules absorbs the sunlight on them and convert them into electricity. The current generated here is Direct Current (DC). The solar inverter then converts the DC to Alternating Current (AC), thus making it power the electrical items

what is the Science of a solar grid


Benefits of on grid solar

1. Zero Electricity Bills – Though the solar power system is connected to the grid, the consumer has to pay only for the surplus electricity he consumes. The bill generated on a monthly basis determines whether the consumer has any payments to be made. However, at the same time if the consumer utilizes less electricity, the excess is fed back in the grid.

2. Easy maintenance – The on grid solar power system has the least number of parts along with simple installation. The elimination of batteries makes the maintenance quite easy.

3. Passive income generation – With a connection to the grid, the consumer can charge for the surplus electricity he has generated. It not only eliminates your electricity bills but also avails the cost benefits for the excess electricity generated.

what is the Science of a on grid solar

Solar power has several benefits which notably include a reduction in electricity cost and usage. However, there are other benefits that depend on the type of system you choose. as solar energy is renewable source of energy most of us have to move on solar energy as a permanent source of energy


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