Why do solar eclipses look like a black hole in the sky?

 Why do solar eclipses look like a black hole in the sky?

What is meant by Eclipse 

Any solid object in our solar system can cast a shadow by blocking the light by the region behind it. This shadow in the space becomes apparent whenever another object moves into it. In general an eclipse occurs whenever either part of Earth or Moon enters the shadow of other. 

Why do solar eclipses look like a black hole in the sky?

What is meant by solar eclipse

When the Moon’s shadow strikes Earth, people within that shadow see the Sun at least partially covered by the Moon; that is, they witness a solar eclipse.

What is meant by Lunar Eclipse

Lunar eclipses occur when Earth's shadow blocks the sun's light, which otherwise reflects off the moon. There are three types  total, partial and penumbral with the most dramatic being a total lunar eclipse, in which Earth's shadow completely covers the moon.

Why do solar eclipses look like a black hole in the sky?

black holes and types of black holes

This means the Moon and the Sun appear exactly the same size in our sky! So, when the Moon lines up perfectly in front of the Sun it blocks out all the Sun's light. Looking towards the Sun we see a black circle, often described as a 'hole in the sky', surrounded by a ring of white light.

A solar eclipse looks like a black hole in the sky because the moon is blocking the majority of the sunlight from reaching us in the umbra and penumbra. If it is an annular solar eclipse, it will look more like a black hole because it looks as if there is an accretion disk. However, if you look at M87 (A galaxy with a supermassive black hole in its core) you can see the accretion disk and the event horizon but the accretion disk is brighter on one side. This is because the matter is moving so fast in it that most of it clump in one area. In an annular solar eclipse, you won't see that brightness difference unless very huge sunspots cover some parts of the sun. (However, in a total solar eclipse, you will only see the corona, not the regular photosphere we see every day.)

Why do solar eclipses look like a black hole in the sky?


This is because the sun is 400x larger, and 400x further to earth, than the moon. Due to this, the moon literally engulfs the sun in such a disturbingly precise way The perfect proportions of the earth’s moon and the sun does not allow any of the single light rays to cover up the part of shadow and to make it a bit brighter (like what happens when you stand too far from a light bulb, and your shadow is “blurry”, and is very “sharp” when you’re standing close to it.) This causes a completely black spot, wherever the eclipse is projected o earth… thus giving off that awesome “black hole look”.

Why do solar eclipses look like a black hole in the sky?


From this article we can conclude that  eclipses occurs whenever any portion of Earth or Moon comes in front of light of sun. And we also found that  Why do solar eclipses look like a black hole in the sky? 


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